
Mixed tenses 

Mixed tenses

  1. Andy is tired because he works (work) 7 days a week.
  2. By 1960 most of the Britain’s old colonies became (become) independent.
  3. David broke leg when he was skiing (ski) last week.
  4. Have you had (have) a nice time in Rome during your last holiday.
  5. Have you finished (finished) your homework yet?
  6. He have worked (work) at his computer for the last 6 hours.
  7. For how long have she had (have) her car?
  8. How many people died in the fire yesterday?
  9. I don’t know much about art, but I like some artists.
  10. I waited for ages. At last, the bus arrived.
  11. I received a postcard form Jane yesterday.
  12. Tom and Sam will play soccer next Sunday.
  13. I have never been sailing, what is it like?
  14. She is riding her bike in the park at the moment.
  15. It was raining when I got up.
  16. Janet started a new job last September.
  17. Nelly is having a great time in N.Y at the moment.
  18. She was cooking dinner when we arrived.

19, She will come back from the cruise in a week.

  1. My friends will be free for most of evening.
  2. The children were tired because they swam all afternoon.
  3. We usually spend Xmas with grandma.
  4. He doesn’t like carrots.
  5. Did you visit Alice yesterday?
  6. Will Luis come to the party tonight?
  7. Does your mom usually pick you up at school?

1)Ian lives in a small house.
2)He has been living here since 2005.
3)Near his house, there is a hotel.
4)It was built three years ago, by Ian’s uncle, who is an architect.
5)Not far from the hotel there is a bus stop.
6)The people staying in the hotel can get on the bus here to go to the city centre.
7)When they come back, they can get off the bus at the other side the street.
8)In winter, Ian also goes by bus quite often.
9)He only uses his car at the weekends or when he goes shopping on Thursdays.
10)In his workplace, where has been working four years, he usually goes by foot.
11)It’s only about 10 minutes from his home.


Моя любимая страна 

Я хочу поехать в Париж, Франция, потому что хочу стать дизайнером одежды. Я люблю Париж. Говорят, что Париж — это страна любви.

Франция входит в тройку лидеров-производителей вина, наряду с Италией и Испанией. Гора Монблан, которая возвышается в Альпах — самая высокая точка Западной Европы. Ее высота приравнивается к 4810 метров. А у подножия располагается самый крупный ледник Франции (7 км).